*You should always ask to meet with a patient navigator at the facility you are being treated for help in finding the support you need outside of your treatment plan and navigating the eligibility requirements or applications for support.

We recognize that cancer comes with a lot of questions. It’s important to prepare for any potential treatment ahead. Even taking small steps can improve your sense of well-being and control.
Financial Tips & GuideBooks
Learn how to discuss finances with your healthcare team, manage your bills, and save money on everyday expenses with tip sheets and guidebooks from Family Reach and Ent Credit Union
Community Resources
Explore this directory of community-based programs and services in your area - including programs for food, housing, childcare, and more. Powered by Unite Us and Kaiser Permanente
Grupo de apoyo en espanol
Este grupo ofrece un espacio único para permitirle expresar sus emociones y sentimientos.
Dirigido por una coordinadora del Grupo de Cáncer en Español y asesorado por un terapeuta bilingüe
The Uplift Project
The goal of The Uplift Project is to provide all women, regardless of their insurance or legal status with a quality of life most breast cancer patients are provided, with access to breast prostheses, mastectomy bras, and wigs.
Patient Empowerment
Patient Empowerment can help you become more tech-savvy so you can find information and support to empower you and your loved ones during your cancer journey.
Ray of Hope Cancer Foundation
1385 S. Colorado Blvd., Suite 108
Denver, CO 80222
Ray of Hope is a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) and every donation is tax-deductible as a charitable contribution to the full extent permitted by law.
Copyright 2015-2024
Ray of Hope Cancer Foundation
All rights reserved.